lonestar family foundation
Lonestar Electric Supply supports our teammates in many ways, and this organization is the leading example. The Lonestar Family Foundation (“LSFF”) is a non-profit 501(c)(3), charitable organization created with one goal in mind: providing financial support and peace of mind for the Lonestar family.
The organization provides financial support to current employees of Lonestar Electric Supply and all related corporate entities. Employees under financial duress due to personal or family situations may request aid through an anonymous process. Qualifying events includes: natural disasters (e.g., flooding, hurricane, tornado, etc.), or medical emergencies. The foundation is not intended to fund sponsorships or donations.
Employees in need of support may request aid through the below form, or by reaching out to the foundation. Once the application is received, it will be reviewed by a pre-selected committee composed of teammates in different departments, excluding executives. The committee will review the application in a short time frame, and based on funds availability and type of event, decide if a full or partial monetary benefit is warranted. Applicants will remain anonymous, and contributions are gifts — not loans.
Employees looking to support the LSFF may enroll in scheduled payroll deductions by coordinating with the Human Resources department. Contributions are completely confidential, and tax deductible – an end of year tax letter will be provided for employees who enrolled in payroll contributions during the present year.